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November 12, 2021


MAFA New York has filed a lawsuit challenging the vaccine passports in New York City! More and more cities are mandating passports, so this case is important to people all over the country. Click HERE and scroll down to read the lawsuit and all related documents.

October 9, 2021

Good news on the legal front!


As you may know, a hearing was scheduled this past Thursday regarding our lawsuit challenging the mask mandate in schools. While the State of New York had moved to dismiss our case, our attorney, Patti Finn, submitted a cross motion in late September to amend our complaint to allege new violations of the State's Public Health Law regarding masking and quarantine. The Judge has allowed for the amended complaint to be filed and the case will be heard again in the Nassau County Supreme Court on December 9th. In addition, Patti will be appealing the denial of the TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) in the NYS Appellate Court. Stay tuned....

October 2, 2021

We have some exciting news to share... we are rebranding!


"NY Stands Up" will soon be "Make Americans Free Again-NY" or "MAFA-NY." We are very excited about this change as all MAFA State Chapters are doing the same, and we will now be clearly identified as a cohesive and unified national organization. Our new website will be coming soon.  Until then, you can continue to find us at


On the legal front, our attorney, Patti Finn, filed the cross motion for our masking case. You can read the motion HERE.  A hearing is scheduled for October 7th, so stay tuned for information on the outcome.


In the meantime, check out the latest "Good Health Lawyer Radio Hour." Patti interviews Attorney Jeff Childers, the Florida attorney who was granted a temporary injunction against vaccine mandates for Gainesville City employees. You'll also get some insights into the legal process and strategy, as well as a brief update from Patti on our case. Click HERE to watch.


For those of you dealing with employers who are mandating jabs, Pam Popper has drafted a letter for anyone to use. As she points out, there are limited options with employer mandates, but this is one way some have had success in at least slowing the process down. Click HERE to read and feel free to share!


We also encourage you to refer any healthcare workers you know to the MAFA website for info on our Healthcare Professional Initiative and to participate in one of Pam's conference calls for healthcare workers on Monday nights. Pam will be offering help and support to those looking to transition into alternative practices outside of the large healthcare conglomerates.


Finally, you don't want to miss this! MAFA’s lead attorney, Tom Renz, delivered a riveting presentation at Clay Clark’s event last weekend that everyone should watch. During this short lecture, Tom discloses the information recently received from a government whistleblower who has access to the CMS database for Medicare. The information from this person covers outcomes from both COVID treatments and vaccines and should shock all of us! Click HERE to watch.

August 31, 2021



Pam Popper gave the perfect analogy when she said "lawsuits are like watching paint dry." The legal process is slow and arduous.


As most of you know, on June 10, 2021, our attorney filed for a temporary restraining order (TRO) in the New York State Supreme Court of Nassau County. The TRO, filed on behalf of the plaintiff, her minor children, and all children similarly situated, seeks a preliminary injunction to remove mask mandates in schools by declaring that COVID-19 does not rise to the level of a deadly “epidemic.” The defendants include the Governor, the NYS Department of Health, the Locust Valley Central School District and Board of Education. You can read the complaint HERE.


On June 28th, the Judge assigned to the case denied the TRO, which came as no surprise. On July 13th, our attorney filed a notice of appeal. Since then we have been in a holding pattern as we waited for the State to announce its position on masking in schools for the 2021/2022 school year. Now that the NYS Department of Health has issued a universal mask mandate in schools, our attorney will move forward with the appeal and we expect it will be filed in mid to late September.


Our lawsuit is one of many Make Americans Free Again (MAFA) lawsuits filed across the country. MAFA has been gradually building a national team that can help us regain our freedoms. Any of the legal actions taken by MAFA that result in obtaining the real data will be useful in ALL of the lawsuits we have filed and will file in the future, regardless of state lines.


It is also important to note that while the types of cases vary, they all address the core issue - the false declaration of a health emergency. Further, they all include claims that the real data did not warrant mask mandates, business restrictions and closures, emergency use authorizations for vaccines, mandatory vaccines, health passports and other COVID rules. You can read updates on those lawsuits HERE.




Calling All Parents, Healthcare Workers, & Truckers!

Check out these new Make Americans Free Again Initiatives


The Healthcare Worker Initiative: Unite with other licensed and unlicensed healthcare providers! Conference Calls held weekly. Next scheduled calls are 9/2 & 9/9 at 9:00pm. Email to reserve a spot.


Protecting Our Children: MAFA is providing free support and guidance to parents seeking help. Zoom info sessions every Sunday at 4:30pm or Wednesday at 7:00pm. Email to reserve a spot.


Truckers for MAFA: Listen to a great interview with Pam and Clyde Zoph about this movement and potential power truckers hold if they unite!


August 7, 2021




The Make Americans Free Again Plan for "Protecting Our Children"


We are committed to empowering parents to take control of their children’s lives, health, and education.


You most likely have already determined that almost all schools are going to continue to enforce some COVID rules, which include masks, testing, quarantines, social distancing, event restrictions and almost any other actions the CDC, government, and health officials recommend.  Concerned about this?  We can help! 


To learn more visit


Interested in participating?  Email us at



August 5, 2021



Read the latest update on lawsuits filed by Make Americans Free Again State Chapters HERE.


July 1, 2021


On June 10, 2021, NY Stands Up! Attorney Patricia Finn, filed for a temporary restraining order (TRO) in the New York State Supreme Court of Nassau County.  The TRO, filed on behalf of the plaintiff, her minor children and all children similarly situated, seeks a preliminary injunction to remove mask mandates in schools by declaring that COVID-19 does not rise to the level of a deadly “epidemic.” You can read the complaint HERE.


Judge Pineda-Kirwan was assigned to the case and, on June 28th, she denied the TRO. This decision was made regardless of the fact that one of the defendants, (Locust Valley Central School District), did not object to the TRO.


Needless to say, our legal team is well prepared to move forward and an appeal on the decision will be filed.



June 25, 2021


A Message from Attorney Carl J. Schwartz....


Every time I see a notice that I must either be vaccinated or wear a mask to enter a building when we all know that this entire debacle is generated to enrich a few billionaires makes me angry; angry, in a good way.   It affirms that the work we have been doing to file lawsuits and prove the truth is necessary to secure our rights and freedoms both now and in the future.


Last week our legal team addressed the temporary relief that we requested for the named plaintiffs in our lawsuit which includes young students who are medically compromised by the wearing of masks and had been forced to do so at school despite their medical doctor advising against it.  The temporary relief we seek is not only to be granted to those named in the lawsuit....but also to those "who are similarly situated” meaning all children in New York State.  The reason we lawyers seek such relief is because a court can only grant temporary relief if there is a likelihood of success on the merits of the case when it is eventually decided.  So, it REALLY matters for the outcome of the case to all of us if we can win the temporary relief.  Last week, one of the defendants in the case, the school district, knowing the above and seeing "the writing on the wall" given how well Attorney Patti Finn drafted the lawsuit, did not object to our being granted the temporary relief.  That means we are already winning our case to get rid of these ridiculous masks.


Concurrently, we are working on a lawsuit that prohibits institutions from mandating that we be vaccinated with these emergency and unapproved "vaccines" which are more dangerous to our students and young people than the COVID-19 virus itself.  The law is on our side on this issue but we are going to have to go to court and, again, fight for our rights if we are to enjoy those rights because institutions across the land have chosen to mandate the vaccines despite what the law provides.  


WE NEED YOUR HELP to be able to pay the attorneys who are specialized in this area of the law.   As General Counsel for NY Stands Up! I do not receive any of the funds that we raise to do this legal work - all of my efforts are voluntary.  But, we need to pay our specialist who are doing this work for us at a fraction of the cost of what it would be if they were billing us by the hour.


Best personal regards,


Carl J, Schwartz, Esq.

NY Stands Up!




May 23, 2021


A Message from Attorney Carl J. Schwartz...


Masks. Do they protect the sick from the healthy or the healthy from the sick? Traditionally, it was always the latter. So, are you, perfectly healthy as you are, tired of being forced to wear a mask? Does this mandate infringe on your freedom? Freedom, to what? from what?


One year ago, if The People were told that they would be expected to wear a mask for the next year, and every half of a year thereafter, without any scientific evidence that the mask even makes any difference at all, they would have revolted.


One year ago, if The People were told that they would never again be able to attend a sporting event, theater, school event, or travel outside of the United States, without agreeing to receive a vaccine that had never been safety tested and approved by the FDA, they would have revolted.


One year ago, if The People were told that their government officials had been compromised by the money of billionaire forces such that The People are not first represented by their own legislators, they would have revolted.


One year ago, if The People were told that the Courts could no longer adjudicate their freedoms because in the midst of “an emergency” the rights and freedoms guaranteed to The People by their Constitutions no longer exists and are thereby null and void, they would have revolted.


One year ago, this lawyer, not a Constitutional Law attorney, could not believe such was the case and therefore started to file lawsuits to regain the rights and freedoms of The People. Much to the consternation of this lawyer it was proven that the Courts are compromised by the “emergency” powers of the government and are thereby largely unwilling and unable to protect the rights and freedoms of The People. This, while the government has been fully unable to prove that an emergency even exists. By its own numbers, it has been proven that whatever COVID-19 is, it is not any more lethal than any other viral enemy we face and is far less deadly to able-bodied people than the risk of drowning, accidental injury, suicide, or death from an addiction, all threats we face and are forced to accept every day.


So, why do we continue to wear masks and allow government and big business to tell us what we are going to do? Because we are law abiding citizens and have given the government every bit of deference despite the fact that they have not made a scientific case for mandating masks. That being said, we are preparing a legal action to restore our freedoms and set aside the mask mandate through the courts of the State of New York and by this communication ask for your financial support so that we can mount the best legal argument possible. Your financial support is appreciated in order to get the lawsuit filed and once it is completed we will be posting it herein for your review.


Thank you for standing up for our freedoms,


Carl J. Schwartz, Jr., Esq.

New York Stands Up!





May 20, 2021


Make Americans Free Again Special Announcement!


We are so proud of our attorneys: Tom Renz, Michael Hamilton, F.R. Jenkins and Robert Gargasz


On Thursday, May 20, they joined with other great American attorneys and filed for a Temporary Restraining Order against several federal agencies to stop the authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for use in children under the age of 16.


The defendants include the Centers for Disease Control, The Department of Health and Human Services, The Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the DHHS Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.


Plaintiffs include Scott Jensen MD & America’s Frontline Doctors. We thank these brave doctors for taking a public stand on this and many other issues related to the COVID-19 debacle.


And we thank our members and donors for supporting our efforts to free ourselves from medical tyranny.


Read the case summary written by Attorney Carl Schwartz below, as well as the complaint and accompanying document outlining Government/Big Pharma Conflicts of Interest.


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