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How to Organize

MAFA/NYSU Meetings

In order to take back our country and regain our freedom, we need ALL HANDS ON DECK!

We are asking EVERYONE who can to recruit people to MAFA.

One way to do it is with meetings!


The only thing you need to start your group is ONE other person willing to start with you!


Download the Full Guide HERE

Group Meeting



While you can choose any day and time, Thursday at 6PM is a good choice. The early part of the week can be spent inviting, and people seem to relax on Thursday night. Whichever day you choose, make it consistent. It’s difficult to gather a group when the meeting changes frequently. 

 Don't Worry About Starting Small


You only need one other person to start your group. Even if it's just two of you, start getting together at the appointed day and time. We promise you can grow a group if you stick with it. 

How to Invite


Invitations should be issued to one person at a time.  Don't post anything on social media, pass out cards and flyers and other such activities.  Remember that in some places, gathering size is limited and you do not want to bring regulatory attention to the host of these meetings.  And you need to explain what we are doing to others in order to interest them in attending.


 Where To Hold Meetings


Homes, offices, churches, community centers, any place that is on board.  If there are limitations on gatherings in you area, do be careful and try to meet in a place where you will draw less attention.



Meeting Format


Allow 30 minutes for meeting and socializing. One of the benefits of starting a group is allowing people to congregate!

Bring the meeting to order and welcome newcomers!

Share a few updates from Pam’s videos, newsletter, or from the MAFA website. 

Show a short video reporting a recent event or development. 

Discuss the film or news. 



Include In Every Meeting


Ask if there are businesses that need help and how you can help them.

For example; planning a group visit or a group order for takeout can help a restaurant stay open.

Scheduling an event for your group to take a class, or partake of other services without masks can help.
Find ways to support your local community.  

Download the Small Business Rescue Guide HERE


Discuss fundraising events.

Wait until your group is big enough to support these, but opportunities to congregate are always welcome.

People love to hear from the attorney who is handling your case once a lawsuit is filed.

Holiday events are fun – our group helped to sponsor a Valentine’s Day cocktail party which was held at a local business that had a big enough space. 


Always ask for volunteers.

Find volunteers to greet new people, operate the computer for signups, help with fundraisers, and so on. 


Ask for ideas for finding new people to attend next week. Ask people to share how they have approached people


Ask new people to put their information in the data base before leaving and have a computer open to the site to make it easy. 


Leave time for people to mingle and chatPart of the value of Thursday groups is people love to be in the same room with others!


In the beginning, focus on growing your group.  Gathering donations and fundraising are easier when you've gathered more people.  

As your group grows, some people may decide to break off and form their own groups. This is advisable if people live far away from your meeting place, and also if your space has limited capacity. 




Our reason for being is really simple - we are against medical tyranny and want the right to choose or refuse any medical intervention. 


We engage in these activities only:

* Build Thursday Groups

* Raise money to support lawsuits organized by MAFA and NYSU

* Build a huge data base of voters who can force elected officials to do what we want (examples: veto a mandatory vaccine law or impeach a governor who takes freedom away)

* Small Business Rescue 


What we don't do:

* Protests

* Petitions

* Declarations

* Pass out signs to put in windows or businesses

* Call and write legislators

* Organize maskless shopping trips

* Promote politicians or political parties


NOTE:  We don't care if people do these things, but we don't promote them at our meetings.  We try to focus on a few things that we know result in positive changes in community and state that make people feel like we are winning!! 




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